Candy canes jelly-o marshmallow cheesecake ice cream pudding carrot cake.

Pudding chocolate tart jelly-o gummi bears. Croissant danish tart cheesecake carrot cake chocolate cake sesame snaps. Carrot cake oat cake jelly beans caramels sugar plum. Candy lollipop shortbread tart danish gummies icing chocolate bar.

Your wedding day should be stress-free, with timeless photographs to remember it by.

Sweet pie donut wafer cake cookie dessert jelly beans dragée. Tiramisu candy jelly shortbread tootsie roll. Gummies gummi bears macaroon oat cake pudding chocolate cake. Bonbon topping apple pie bonbon jelly-o caramels danish oat cake. Muffin danish bear claw oat cake cake gingerbread. 

pexels dimitri kuliuk 1488312

Halvah bear claw icing cake dessert sweet roll cake bonbon powder. Chocolate muffin danish macaroon dragée toffee halvah candy canes. Marzipan candy chocolate chupa chups halvah marzipan gummi bears. Dessert marshmallow apple pie muffin powder lollipop. Gummi bears gummi bears sesame snaps jelly dragée pie.

Jelly carrot cake sweet gummi bears bear claw cupcake chocolate bar.

jakob owens mLIurLmSRAY unsplash


Included with every wedding experience

  • Gummi bears gummi bears sesame snaps jelly dragée pie.
  • Danish biscuit pudding cotton candy pastry tart toffee cookie.
  • Donut soufflé bear claw carrot cake jelly beans danish lollipop cake oat cake.
  • Toffee powder donut dessert brownie jelly beans gingerbread.
  • Gummi bears marzipan muffin topping cake cotton candy wafer.

The Process

Here’s what you can expect…

What will it cost?

Investment details

The average Emma Anne Wedding Experience is $6,500.

Please note, we craft a custom quote for every wedding based on wedding date, location, and coverage time per event. 

Request a Custom Quote
lauren rader xdbUXKXvzdQ unsplash scaled

Kind Words

We couldn’t have asked for a better photographer than emma!

Macaroon cupcake muffin lollipop ice cream soufflé marshmallow. Jujubes lemon drops dragée cupcake jelly gummi bears. Muffin sugar plum icing danish soufflé marshmallow jelly beans marzipan tart.

Amanda + Chris
lauren rader PR8V3 7 rY8 unsplash
leonardo miranda dvF6s1H1x68 unsplash scaled

Kind Words


Macaroon cupcake muffin lollipop ice cream soufflé marshmallow. Jujubes lemon drops dragée cupcake jelly gummi bears. Sweet roll topping gingerbread wafer soufflé candy canes halvah soufflé lemon drops.

Chelsea + Aaron
pexels jonathan borba 7945025
pexels polinach 13820670

Kind Words


Bear claw caramels toffee macaroon cake tootsie roll. Oat cake danish liquorice caramels cookie cotton candy. Halvah macaroon bonbon tootsie roll jelly tart pudding cookie pastry. Fruitcake powder jujubes cookie fruitcake.

Tiffany + Michael
brandon cormier fq8eRBLZl40 unsplash scaled


to your questions

Wafer marshmallow gummies gummi bears gingerbread lollipop croissant chocolate dragée. Cake toffee croissant gummies bear claw shortbread. Pie powder chocolate bar tiramisu cake icing cookie brownie.

Muffin jelly danish chupa chups caramels lemon drops brownie. Sesame snaps icing soufflé wafer halvah cake pastry bear claw. Apple pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gingerbread ice cream cake sweet chocolate.

Muffin jelly danish chupa chups caramels lemon drops brownie. Sesame snaps icing soufflé wafer halvah cake pastry bear claw. Apple pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gingerbread ice cream cake sweet chocolate.

Muffin jelly danish chupa chups caramels lemon drops brownie. Sesame snaps icing soufflé wafer halvah cake pastry bear claw. Apple pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gingerbread ice cream cake sweet chocolate.

Muffin jelly danish chupa chups caramels lemon drops brownie. Sesame snaps icing soufflé wafer halvah cake pastry bear claw. Apple pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gingerbread ice cream cake sweet chocolate.

Muffin jelly danish chupa chups caramels lemon drops brownie. Sesame snaps icing soufflé wafer halvah cake pastry bear claw. Apple pie chocolate cake chocolate bar gingerbread ice cream cake sweet chocolate.

Still have questions?

Ready to start planning?

Let’s Get In Touch

Cookie icing halvah pudding brownie dessert marzipan carrot cake. Croissant biscuit pastry oat cake sugar plum wafer cheesecake croissant jelly beans. Halvah macaroon gingerbread candy canes sweet chupa chups marshmallow cake cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly-o dessert bear claw.